God's peace & a red beret // OOTD
Recently I have been struggling a little with figuring out what my next move is in my life. I know that I'm aiming to move back to Derby in May but I haven't been quite sure about what God wants me to do until then. I had quite a meaningful moment with him the other night during which he showed me a bridge leading across to Derby that he was in the process of building. It was about 3/4 built and I asked him when it would be ready but of course, we can't rush God and his plans so all he said to me was "soon."
I've also been struggling because I'm really reeaally missing my boyfriend, Sam. It's been about a month and a half since I've last seen him and usually by this time we start arranging plans for when we can next see each other, however for various reasons it's been a little more complicated to arrange things this time around. We originally thought that Sam would come over in March and spend a few days with me in Belfast but now it's becoming apparent that it might actually be easier for me to go and visit him in Derby. You may be wondering what the big deal is and why I'm even bothering to tell you all of this but trust me, there is a point to this whole spiel haha..
Basically, my dilemma at the moment is whether or not my travelling over to Derby is the right thing to do. There are various reasons as to why it may not be right such as:
1. money
2. the potential time clashing with possible job opportunities,
however I'm also thinking that this trip maybe could be the right thing for me because
1. obviously I'd get to see Sam
2. spend time in my second home,
but I've also recently been feeling a strong call to find a church over there.
A friend approached me in church last week and told me that God was really wanting her to tell me that finding a church back in Derby should really be my priority - a priority over finding a job...a house...everything! Until then I was thinking that finding a job should really be my priority, and then a house and then a church but maybe I was thinking wrong.
Taking a visit to Derby would be ideal in the sense that I could go over for one or two Sundays and together with Sam we could test out one or two churches and maybe get the ball rolling in finding somewhere to call home, make friends and be part of a community.
Honestly right now thinking about the option of me going over to Derby just feels right. However, sometimes I find it hard to discern what is simply just my feelings and what is actually a feeling from God. Obviously I would love love love to have the opportunity to go over to Derby but right now I'm really trying to put aside what I want, stay open minded and focus on what it is that God wants me to do whether I like it or not.
This morning I opened my bedroom door to find a note left by my mum in a book called 'Discerning the Voice of God - How to Recognise When God Speaks'....very apt if I do say so myself.
The note bookmarked the chapter called 'Peace Patrol' and in it the author, Priscilla Shirer talks about how sometimes feeling a strong sense of peace can be a way in which God is guiding you.
She says that "a strong and consistent sense of internal peace can clue you into the sound of God's voice," and also that "His voice will cause you to feel anchored by a solid sense of calm about the task He is sending you to perform."
When thinking about Derby I do feel a sense of peace as well as a large amount of excitement at the possible opportunities that God may have for me there, but I still want to be wise in the decision that I make.
I'm not going to rush into anything though, as I have done many times in the past when I've had a 'feeling' that something is 'right' - I'm really going to take time to pray, reflect and focus on God's wishes.
I know this may seem like such a small mole hill that I'm making into a mountain but to me it's important and I simply felt like sharing with you part of the journey that I am currently facing in my life and with God. Who knows what will happen but I am
"Let the peace of Christ, to which you were also called in one body, rule your hearts"
- Colossians 3:15
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid"
- John 14:27
- S xo
~ Outfit details ~
- Beret: Vintage/thrifted
- Earrings: Primark
- Cardigan: Vintage/thrifted
- Blouse: Vintage/thrifted
- Belt: H&M
Trousers: Hand-me-down/originally from Topshop
- Boot: Boohoo
- Bag: Thrifted
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