Blogging once again

Here I am again, attempting to start yet another blog. I'm ashamed to admit it, but this is actually the 6th blog that I have created over the course of the last 4 or 5 years. Ridiculous right? I am determined however, to stick with this one because honestly, I see blogging as an escape and I love the idea of having a space, my own space, to indulge in the little things in life that I love.

For my first post I thought I would just give a wee introduction to who I am and what the craic is with me and my life.

I am a 22 year old graduate with a degree in Creative Expressive Therapies which I am currently not using. Yes, I did only graduate 6 months ago and yes, I do understand that 21-year-old graduates don't just get their dream careers handed to them on a silver platter...but even so, the departure from university has threw me into a 're-evaluating-all-my-life-choices' phase which I am just desperately relying on God to help me get through.

I am currently living in Belfast, Northern Ireland, however my heart is still across the sea in Derby, England where I attended university, began to set up my life and also where my boyfriend and friends still live. Various reasons led me back to living in Belfast, however I'm hoping to make the move back to Derby sometime this year after working and saving up some money in Belfast.

I have been in a bit of a creative slump recently and I'm really hoping that working on this blog helps to pull me out of that!

- S xo


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