Stepping out of my comfort zone

"Comfort, the enemy of progress."
P.T. Barnum, (yanno...the circus guy? The greatest showman?) said these words and I honestly feel that they couldn't be more relevant to my life right now.

After being in Derby for over a month now I've realised that in order to make a proper life for myself here and to be able to settle, make friends, and a living, I'm going to have to kick my butt in gear and start venturing out of my comfort zone a little more.

I'm very much a homebird; always have been and probably always will. As a result of this personality trait I sometimes find it difficult trying new things, socialising with new people, going to new places etc etc. The 'unknown' fills me with anxiety, it's as simple as that. I'd much rather just sit in my house all day and pretend that I don't have to deal with any of life's big scary adult problems. Head-in-the-sand syndrome is what I call it.

I used to think that ostriches buried their heads in the sand when they were scared in the hopes that danger would pass them by but apparently that's actually a myth...which kind of makes sense to be honest because they wouldn't actually be able to breathe haha. Myth or not though, I'm sure you get what I'm trying to say.

As I get older, it becomes clearer by the day that I can't stick my head in the sand anymore whenever I get scared or don't want to try something new - I wouldn't be able to breathe ie I wouldn't be able to have a fulfilling life. Ooh wasn't that a nice wee metaphor that I just came up with? Haha

I guess this has just been a big revelation that I've come to recently as I've been presented with various new opportunities and challenges over the last week or two and I'm terrified. New places, new people, new things to learn, new things to heart is genuinely beating just thinking about it all. I know though, that a lot of these doors that are being opened to me are being opened by God so I really don't want to waste any of them. I have to put my big girl pants on, as my mum would say, and just deal with what God is dishing me at the moment.

I take comfort in the fact though, that I am not alone in any of my ventures; God is with me every step of the way. Also, I just try to remind myself of the 'scary' things that I've already overcome. A couple of recent examples being that I've gone to church once or twice by myself; something I thought I'd never be able to do, I started Alpha with Sam last week - we were both nervous about meeting so many new people...but we did it and actually enjoyed it...I also signed up to a prophetic arts group being run within the church even though I don't know anyone taking part.

My new challenges to come are going to be job interviews, starting a training course being run in Birmingham for volunteer therapists for a creative arts charity and also actually attending the prophetic arts group that I signed up to...that one doesn't seem like it should be a big deal but I have to get a bus which I have never gotten before so that's the challenge for me there.
Do ya wanna know something funny? Which isn't actually that funny but if I don't laugh, I'll cry...
All of these things are happening this week in the space of 3 days! I'm going to be mentally, emotionally and physically drained come Saturday...I have the second session of Alpha thrown in the mix there somewhere too! Prayers would be appreciated haha!

I'm sure I'll be fine though *she says hesitantly*... haha
I'll just be taking it one day at a time! 
I am a strong independent woman, I've got this! 

- S xo

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and laughs without fear of the future."
- Proverbs 31:25

"Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
- Isaiah 40:31

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
- Joshua 1:9


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