My wee visit to Belfast

Hi there, long time no see! For the last few weeks I have been uber busy - between work, church, Alpha and a few other weekly commitments, I haven't had much time to sit down and write a blog post. But alas, after a recent trip with Sam to my hometown of Belfast, Northern Ireland, I am feeling refreshed and inspired and ready to get back on the blogging hype.

Belfast City Hall

Belfast was a blast! We were only there for a week but it was honestly so lovely. We had wall-to-wall sunshine everyday with highs of 30 degrees, which, if you know Northern Ireland then you know that weather like that is rarer than a blue moon!

During my visit I got to catch-up with my sisters, which again was a rare occurence as we are hardly ever together in the same country at the same time anymore! Now everytime I see them I notice more and more how grown up they're getting (and also how much taller than me they're getting) and it makes me feel a wee bit emotional if I'm being a good way though...deffo a proud big sister over here.

Another lovely thing that came out of my trip to Belfast was that I was also able to reunite with my Belfast Besties! I met these girls through the job that I had when I was last living in Belfast and they honestly were...and still are a huge blessing in my life. It's crazy how fast we all connected when I first started working with them and I miss them so much now that I'm living in Derby. I'm trying to convince them to move across the water to be over here now haha...ya never know, maybe one day!

I also managed to meet up with a few other sweet friends who I used to work with and it was lovely getting to catch-up over dinner. Friendships were definitely the gifting to come from my time in Belfast and I feel so incredibly lucky and grateful as I wouldn't have been able to stay as sane as I did back then without them all.

Now if you follow me on instagram then you would for sure have seen the copious amounts of food posts that I was bombarding my story with whilst I was away! Sam and I definitely ate well that's for sure. Between burgers, brunches, BBQs and the occassional slice of birthday cake we definitely came away feeling satisfied...and a few pounds heavier haha. But hey, what are holidays for?!

Rowallane Gardens

When we weren't catching up with family and friends...or eating...I honestly think most of our time was spent wandering around different gardens, snapping photos and relaxing...and I'm not complaining. Northern Ireland has so many beautiful places to visit and the variety of parks and gardens are definitely my favourite. There's just something so refreshing about wandering around in the sunshine amongst pretty flowers with my loved ones by my cheesy as that might sound.


Lady Dixon Park

The places that we ended up visiting included Rowallane Gardens, Lady Dixon Park and Botanic Gardens which are all bright and bursting with flora and fauna this time of year. The only thing that I would reccomend before visiting any of these places is...make sure that you've taken your hayfever medication if you're anything like me and can't even open a window without the risk of a sneeze attack.

Botanic Gardens

Botanic Gardens

I know I go back and forth to Belfast every few months but this wee visit definitely has to be my favourite that I've ever had. Whether it was the sunshine, the food or the company, it all added up to make for a wonderful little holiday and I feel very lucky to have made the memories that I did.

Until next time Belfast..

-S xo


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