My summer skincare favourites

My skin and I love the Summer...well...when it's sunny anyway. I really do notice more of a natural glow after I've been in the sun for a little while; maybe it's a tan, maybe it's the top up of vitamin D, or maybe it's just because I'm extra happy and I'm glowing from the inside haha.

As the seasons roll by I always like to change up my skincare products a little bit. I get bored of using the same things all the time anyway, but I also think that your skin benefits from recieving different types of attention and care during different times in the year.

Summertime is when I tend to use products that are a lot lighter on the skin and a lot more refreshing and cleansing due to the higher probability of sweating. It's gross, I know...but that's life I'm why not help your skin out and keep it super nourished and clean?

In this post, I've compiled a wee list of a few of my fave products that I use on the daily during these current hotter, sweatier months! A lot of what I use is very budget friendly simply because I'm young and can't really afford to fork out a mortgage for the benefit of my face...but of course, if you like the finer things in life or your skin is simply slightly more problematic or sensitive, then there are lots of nicer alternatives out there to everything that I've listed below...

#1 Cleanser & Exfoliator 

Beauty Formulas apricot facial scrub | Beauty Formulas glycolic facial cleanser 
Cleansing and exfoliating are probably two of the most important aspects of mainting good skin health I would say, shortly after moisturising. Cleansing is to be carried out daily and helps to remove make-up, dirt and impurities from the skin whereas exfoliating once every few days helps to scrub away dead skin cells revealing newer and brighter skin. 

I love this cleanser because it is very light, which is perfect for summer and it also contains glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is a gentle exfoliant, so not only does it remove my make-up, but it also leaves my skin feeling super soft and refreshed. 

In terms of exfoliation, for years I have always been reaching for apricot scrubs. I watched someone use one in a youtube video a few years ago and since then I have never looked back! I just love how natural they are as they are made up of ground apricot kernels and apricot oil. After a sweaty days work it's honestly such a treat sometimes to come home and scrub all the day's dirt off of my face leaving it feeling so soft and smooth. 

My skin is quite hardy so it isn't really affected by the abrasiveness of the apricot kernels, however if you're prone to sensitive skin or acne I would reccomend staying away from apricot scrubs and maybe using something a bit more gentle. 

#2 Face Masks

Clay mask with charcoal | Skin Academy honey sheet masks
Now I love a good face mask! I'm pretty certain everyone does to be honest! No matter what kind of day I've had - good or bad; face masks never fail to make me feel better. 

I always like to have a little collection of different types of face masks in the house and this clay/charcoal mask is the perfect wee addition. Recently the L'Oreal Pure Clay Multi-masking kit has been very popular as it contains 3 types of clay masks for purifying, detoxifying and but honestly for me this little dupe does the trick. I had the option of buying 3 like the L'Oreal pack but decided just to opt for the detoxifying charcoal mask this time. Knowing me I'll probably end up with the whole set by the end of the week though haha.

Charcoal has been an ingredient that has quickly grown in popularity over the last year or two - I genuinely think there's probably a charcoal version of nearly any and every beauty product now! It's been popular for good reason though as it's amazing for detoxing the skin and cleaning out your pores. Another perfect remedy for hot and bothered summer skin.

Sheet masks are an amazing alternative sometimes to your typical liquidy face mask - they're especially fab if you just want something easy and mess free. The honey sheet masks that I bought are truly so perfect for this time of year as honey has so many amazing benefits for Summer skin. For example, it is a natural humecant which means that it draws moisture from the air thus hydrating your skin, it gives your skin a natural glow aaaaaand it's a natural anti-inflammatory which means that it is a fab remedy for sunburn! I ideal would these be for a Summer holiday?

#3 Suncream

Boots Soltan suncare spray
Ok, so I know this one may just seem like common sense...but I'm going to tell you another reason why I love suncream as well as the obvious one of protecting your skin against sun damage...

It's a fab make-up primer! I found this out whilst I was away in Belfast during the heatwave that hit the UK and I thought I ought to be sensible and wear suncream. I put it on after my moisturiser and before my make-up and I truly believe that it helped my make-up last longer and prevented it from getting super patchy throughout the day...even with me getting all hot and sweaty some days! It just feels like it's an extra layer that helps my make-up stick to my face haha. Safety conscious aaaand practial - who doesn't love a good two-in-one?

#4 Cooling Mist Spray

Beauty Formulas body & face cooling mist

When I first discovered this product I did think it was a bit of a gimmick, and to be honest after buying it myself I still do think that a wee bit...but none-the-less I wanted to include it in my list because it's a fun summery product and it does actually help to cool you down and hydrate your skin when it's hot out. Let's just say it's a nice saving grace for those moments when you simply want to dunk your head in a bucket of iced water but you don't want to ruin your hair or make-up!

Now, go and enjoy the lovely weather! 
Or at least what's left of it!

- S xo


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